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Cloud Services

The cloud is changing how IT services are delivered and used. This represents a HUGE opportunity for your business.


Just because it’s new and there is a lot of hype around it, doesn’t mean that adopting the latest

cloud services is right for your business. There are a lot of factors that need to be taken into

consideration. What are the benefits of moving a service to the cloud? What are the risks? Will it

be compatible with other interdependent systems? Do you have enough bandwidth to support the

service? Will your users readily adapt to the change? Who is going to train them? Who is going

to support your environment once it is in the cloud?

While moving to cloud services presents numerous opportunities, it also poses potential

challenges. You need to have reliable Internet connectivity with sufficient speed and redundancy

to prevent downtime. You need sufficient support for the cloud service to run optimally. Despite

the fact that you can move your Exchange or SQL Server to the cloud, it still requires regular

administration. Some applications may not be ideally suited for the cloud. You need to have a



RWHTech helps companies realize the true benefits in the cloud. We help with your Office 365

and Azure migrations, and we also provide fully managed virtualized server hosting in our data

centers. We use top-of-the-line hardware and software from Dell, HP, Cisco, VMware,

Microsoft, and Veeam to deliver a virtualized server environment that’s secure and hosted in

several locations.

Smart companies are looking at the cloud as a way to save money, mitigate risk, and gain a

competitive advantage. Whether it’s using hosted applications like SalesForce, hosting email

with Office 365, or even setting up hosted servers in a public or hybrid cloud, companies are

realizing the benefits of rapid deployment, improved flexibility, and cost savings.



Leverage our massive partner list to get any technology your organization needs to be successful.

  • Microsoft Office365

  • Cloud File Sharing and Collaboration

  • Canadian based Online Backup

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

  • Software as a Service (SaaS)

  • Hardware as a Service (HaaS)

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